Philip M. Sprinkle, II

Photo of Philip M. Sprinkle, II

Board Certified in Health Law by The Florida Bar and licensed in Georgia, Florida and Virginia, Philip Sprinkle has, for 37 years, represented privately-held companies with an emphasis on physician groups, academic medical centers, and affiliated providers, in M&A, board governance, joint ventures, and reimbursement matters at both the state and federal level. In addition, Philip has extensive experience with exempt organizations and related tax issues, having provided advice to clients on private benefit and inurement, excess benefit transactions, unrelated business income taxation, joint ventures, conflicts of interest, and complex governance issues. Having served as outside general counsel for a number of hospitals and healthcare systems, Philip’s experience has, by necessity, spanned all hospital operational issues from patient care to emergency call to peer review to third party payor agreements.

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Hospitals Take Heed: Gradual Evolution of the IRS’ Position on Tax Exemption

There has been much fanfare, but little discussion, among healthcare experts in the United States regarding the Internal Revenue Service recently published PLR 201731014 (the Letter Ruling). The Letter Ruling provides a good opportunity to review where we have come and where we are going in the tax-exempt hospital industry in America. Let’s focus first … Continue Reading