Crosby Crane

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Coming Fall 2014: HHS Launches Permanent Audit Program

Beginning in the Fall of 2014, a substantial number of covered entities and business associates will receive a notification and data request from the Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR).  According to Rachel Seeger, an OCR spokeswoman, “we hope to audit 350 covered entities and 50 business associates in this first … Continue Reading

Florida Legislature Limits Scope of Hasan v. Garvar

Just six months after the Florida Supreme Court decided Hasan v. Garvar, 2012 WL 6619334 (Fla. 2012), Governor Rick Scott signed into law SB 1792. The new law partially reverses the holding in Hasan that Florida’s patient confidentiality statute, §456.057, Florida Statutes, bars ex-parte communication between a non-defendant subsequent treating physician and the physician’s attorney. … Continue Reading